Alas, it happens that even healthy, young men with potency have certain problems. Or maybe you just want to feel more confident and successful in such a tricky field.
Of course, today, to solve this problem, you can resort to various methods of treatment (if we are talking about serious functional disorders). Or, in simpler, non-medical cases, modern and effective capsules for increasing potency are available to you. Food, in this case, plays an important role.

Generally speaking, potency is almost directly affected by the level of testosterone in a man's body. Therefore, foods for potency should first of all contain components that would help your body to produce such an important hormone. And, at least they did not reduce its production in the body of a healthy man. Below, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some basic facts and rules for selecting potency drinks and foods.
Products harmful to potency
A huge number of products that we use almost daily not only do not have a positive effect on potency, but can also harm it. So, for example, an increase in the salt content of your food reduces the production of testosterone in a man's body, which means that food for potency should be as lightly salted as possible.
Various energy drinks, sweet sodas, coffee - all this, of course, has a temporary positive effect, excites your nervous system. But it negatively affects the cardiovascular system and can lead to complications, including in the intimate zone. In addition, according to some studies, caffeine, entering your body, leads to the destruction of already existing free testosterone.
In addition, foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates are negative factors influencing male potency. Not to mention the fact that they can cause excess weight. By the way, in people with increased body weight, a decrease in libido is often observed.
Muffins and white yeast bread are also not very healthy. The yeast and sugar in these foods lower testosterone.
Do not abuse and fatty milk. It contains a lot of estrogen - the female sex hormone, which can affect your potency.
Sausages, sausages, sausages and other similar products, although they are classified as meat, they contain a large number of additives, so all the benefits are actually reduced to zero. In addition, most of the currently offered meat and meat products are saturated with a fairly large amount of growth hormones and other substances at the stage of animal breeding, which, as you know, has an effectnegative, including on the power.
By the way, talking about "harmful" hormones in your diet from the point of view of increasing potency, you should definitely mention various "sports cocktails", as well as beer loved by many. Yes, yes, it turns out that beer contains, among other things, female hormones - phytoestrogens. I think you yourself understand what this can mean for your libido.
And, of course, mention should be made of teas and herbs that can be included in various drinks that have a pronounced sedative effect and slow down the passage of nerve impulses.
So, summarizing some results, we can distinguish the following groups of products that you should not eat (at least abundantly) if you want to increase your male potency:
- foods high in salt (pickled pickles and snacks, crisps, salty crackers, etc. );
- foods high in carbohydrates;
- sweet sodas, energy drinks, sweet pastries, cakes and sweets, sourdough white bread, potatoes (especially French fries);
- high caffeine products (coffee, energy drinks, caffeinated medications, etc. );
- products containing hormones ("feminine", "growth", etc. );
- fatty cow's milk, "sports cocktails", non-organic meat and meat products, beer, etc. ;
- foods and drinks with a calming effect (soothing herbal teas, especially those containing herbs such as: valerian, St. John's wort, lemon balm, linden flowers, mint, etc. ).
Useful food to increase potency
So you already know which food is most harmful for potency. Now consider what is useful for you and your power. In other words, what should be included in your diet for food to help increase your potency.
As already mentioned, for normal sexual activity and lasting potency, the human diet should contain certain substances and be as environmentally friendly and healthy as possible.
For example, nutritionists note the need for the so-called "reproductive vitamins" E and A in food. Vitamin B also improves the conduction of nerve impulses, which not only helps with mental activity, but also with the reproductive functions of your body.
Among the trace elements, the most important to increase the potency and quality of sperm are: zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium. It is also quite proven that the so-called fatty acids help to increase testosterone levels.
As a result, foods intended to increase potency must contain all of these elements in one form or another.
Here are a few products that have proven themselves in the field of power-ups:
- Honey. The most powerful and effective "food medicine" is honey. It occupies, so to speak, the first place in the ranking of products for increasing potency. It is honey that contains a large number of elements that will help maintain overall health, and therefore solve some intimate problems. This excellent multivitamin product also contains a number of trace elements that you need.
- nuts. The next potency-enhancing product is nuts, especially walnuts. It is literally a storehouse of trace elements. By making a nut-honey paste, you can double the positive effect. In case the nuts are tired, you can replace them with prunes. Such a delicacy should be eaten daily 3-4 hours before bedtime. In a few days, the result will be noticeable.
- Vegetable foods, fruits. Here we are mainly talking about fruits that are as rich as possible in vitamins A, E and group B. Prunes have already been mentioned above. Add to this list: dates, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc. ), watermelon, carrot and celery root vegetables.
- Green vegetables. Greens are very useful for male power. A wide variety of herbs that grow in the garden or in the field: parsley, dill, lettuce, common dandelion, nettle, etc. It's not just spicy greens that perfectly excite the appetite: anise, cumin, tarragon, garlic. But the onion has proven itself as a powerful food. Even the ancient Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder noted: "The bow pushes lazy men into the arms of Venus. "Also, any onion will come in handy: onion, green, leek, batun.
- Dairy products. Non-fatty acids and trace elements that increase potency are found in natural fermented dairy products, preferably homemade (without artificial thickeners, yeast and preservatives). Not only sour milk, kefir and other drinks familiar from childhood, as they say, are perfect for men, but also low-fat homemade sour cream. By the way, a glass of sour cream with chopped nuts is a wonderful "village cocktail" to increase potency, which has been tried by more than one generation of men.
- Meat, fish, seafood. Next come meat and fish products. Their regular use has a very positive effect on potency. In Europe, oysters and other shellfish are considered the most effective aphrodisiacs and foods believed to increase potency. A low-fat steak made from organic meat, not saturated with "growth hormones", will give you energy. Fish, plaice and mackerel should be preferred - their meat is especially useful for potency.
This, of course, food for potency does not end there. There are also several exotic products that can improve male traction. One of them is, for example, the stomach of a camel. It is extremely difficult to find, but a small piece the size of a pea will suffice. At least that's what Eastern healers say.
Increase potency: food or pills?
Many people ask themselves the question: "What to choose: drugs or even give preference to ordinary food for potency problems? ".
As a preventive and periodic stimulation, it is still preferable to focus on food. Or resort to light drugs and dietary supplements containing in the required amount all the elements necessary to increase potency. They will be able to have the desired effect after the first dose and, of course, will give you extra confidence in your abilities.
A balm based on extracts of golden and maral root, an adaptogen from maral antlers and vitamin C can be a safe remedy for increasing potency. A natural tonic has a complex effect on the body: it restores and stabilizes the nervous system, calms and reduces anxiety, improves memory and concentration attention, stimulates men's sexual function.
If potency problems are chronic, it is best to see a doctor who will refer you for treatment, prescribe stronger medications, or determine the need for other medical procedures.